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The HTML Rich Text Area provides many functions that can be called from your javascript.

Draw Displays the HTML Rich Text Area

DrawReadOnly Displays the HTML Rich Text Area in a read only format. Call [HTMLRTAObject].MakeReadOnly(false) from javascript to make it read/write.

MakeReadOnly(blnReadOnly) MakeReadOnly makes the HTML Rich Text Area read only if the parameter is set to true and read-write if it is set to false. This is useful for web pages that are part of some database driven web application in which the user may not have permission to edit the information.

GetHTML GetHTML returns the HTML that is currently being edited in the HTML Rich Text Area.

SetHTML(strHTML) SetHTML sets the HTML at run time.

InsertHTML(strHTML) Inserts the HTML at the current insertion point

SetHeight(intHeightPx) Modifies the height of the HTML Rich Text.

WrapHTMLParent(strOpenTag, strCloseTag) Wraps the selected text's parent with the specified opening and closing tags.

WrapHTMLSelection(strOpenTag, strCloseTag) Wraps the selected text with the specified opening and closing tags.

EVENTCATCHER In the settings file change the EVENTCATCHER constant to receive a call back whenever the text changes in the HTML Rich Text Area.

EVENTHTMLRTALOADED In the settings file change the EVENTHTMLRTALOADED constant to receive a call back when the HTML RTA is loaded.

EVENTONKEYUP In the settings file change the EVENTONKEYUP constant to receive a call back a key up event is raised.

EVENTONKEYDOWN In the settings file change the EVENTONKEYDOWN constant to receive a call back a key down event is raised.

EVENTFOCUSIN In the settings file change the EVENTFOCUSIN constant to receive a call back when the HTML RTA receives the focus.

EVENTFOCUSOUT In the settings file change the EVENTFOCUSOUT constant to receive a call back when the HTML RTA loses the focus.

These functions need a reference to the HTML Rich Text Area object to work. You get this reference by declaring the HTML Rich Text Area in the following manner:

    var myHTMLRTA = new HTMLRichTextArea("details",85,400,strDefaultHTML);

An example of the code is seen below.

This results in the following:

Set the height of the first HTML Rich Text Area:

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Sigma Solutions
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